We’ve been busy blabbing about ourselves…
Zoë Rae, coach of Chef’s Kiss, and team member Patrick Lenton chat about the house team program
Director Ben O’Brien talks about the what makes the show special ahead of its Sydney Fringe debut
Bec Melrose talks about how improv inspired her comedy career
The creative team behind the show chat about how it all began
“I’m not exaggerating when I say people’s lives are changed by improv”
“Improv Theatre Sydney made me want to perform again and that is one of the best metrics of success you can have for art – inspiration.”
“…a really enjoyable and feel good night at the theatre.”
Maddie Parker talks A Streetcar Named Hot Tin Mengarie
Interview with Carlo and Steen about The Bear Pack
Susie Youssef on performing and her improv background
Ron Lee reviews a night of back-to-back shows at our festival
Joseph Lloyd weighs in on night two of our festival
What we have achieved and what’s coming up at our festival
Interview with Artistic Director, Carlo Ritchie
Broadsheet celebrates our successful Pozible compaign
Anna Renzenbrink talks about dramatic improv and A Streetcar Named Hot Tin Menagerie
ITS folks Kate and Marcel chat everything coming up at the 2019 ITS Comedy Festival on 2ser
Interview with Carlo Ritchie
Interview with Cale Bain
Interview with Cale Bain and Kate Coates
Interview with Clare Cavanagh, Laura Heart and Maddy Parker
Interview with Cale Bain on Canadian Improv Podcast
Interview with Susie Youssef and Carlo Ritchie
Press Releases
Sam Mac, Susie Youssef and Orya Golgowsky talk how improv impacts their lives
Reflecting on four years of success with ITS
Interview with Laura Hart ahead of the 4th Birthday Festival
Kate Coates and Carlo Ritchie talk about the new venue and Pozible campaign
For more information about the people, places and things of Improv Theatre Sydney, and how you can speak about them in your publication, please email