ITS Smackdown Grand Finale
ITS Smackdown Grand Finale
The no-holds bar, killer-take-all, semi-original (not confirmed or substantiated) Sydney improv competition to end all Sydney improv competitions.
With past winners like Orya Golgowsky’s Quad Bike and Kate Coates’ PattyKates and the supercrew of ASMR (Alex Reynolds, Maddie Beggs, Steph Ryan and Ru Halwala).
There’s only so much time, but there’s unlimited chances to kill Kill KILL on stage (the audience are entirely safe).
This show is a part of the ITS Comedy Festival 2023. We’ve got a huge lineup of shows and workshops with teacher and performers from all over the world – check the schedule out here!
Wanna see heaps of shows? Get a discount by grabbing one of our night or weekend passes!
Main Theatre: ITS Smackdown Grand Finale
November 16, 2023
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
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